Title: Leader of the Opposition
Party: Conservative
Political grouping: Conservative
Ward: Mottingham, Coldharbour and New Eltham
Other councillors representing this Ward:
1st Saturday of every month 10am-11am at Coldharbour Library, William Barefoot Drive, SE9 3AY
2nd Saturday of every month, 10am-11am at New Eltham Library, Southwood Road, SE9 3QT
3rd Saturday of every month 10am-11am at Mottingham Library, Mottingham Road SE9
on rotation with Councillor Roger Tester
Correspondence address:
Town Hall
Wellington Street
SE18 6PW
Bus. phone: 020 8921 6393
Email: matt.hartley@royalgreenwich.gov.uk
Download Councillor Matt Hartley contact details as VCard