Issue details

Revisions to the Housing Assistance Policy

The Housing Assistance Policy sets out how the Council delivers and funds, through the Better Care Fund, a range of discretionary help to support and promote independent living and improve housing conditions for disabled people and older people on low income living in rented and owner-occupied homes.

The policy has not been updated for over 10 years.


This report seeks approval for a comprehensive range of updates and improvements that will complement other policies related to housing and social care in the borough and provide opportunities to improve services to our residents.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: All;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/12/2024

Directorate: Housing and Safer Communities;

Decision due: 12 Mar 2025 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member Housing Management, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness

Lead director: Director of Housing and Safer Communities

Department: Housing and Safer Communities

Contact: Dianne Glasson, Disability & Home Improvement Service Manager dianne.glasson Email: