(February Cabinet) To note the outcome of the public consultation and approve the Prohibition of Ice Cream trading at designated locations in the Borough and refer to full Council
(March Council ) To note the outcome of the public consultation and approve the Prohibition of Ice Cream trading at designated locations in the Borough
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: Various;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/11/2024
Directorate: Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills;
Decision due: 12 Feb 2025 by Cabinet
Decision due: 26 Mar 2025 by Council
Lead member: Cabinet Member Community Safety and Enforcement
Lead director: Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills
Department: Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills
Contact: Thomas Travers, Interim Head of Business, Markets and Town Centres Email: thomas.travers@royalgreenwich.gov.uk.