Agenda and decisions

Licensing Review Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 5th February, 2025 6.30 pm

Venue: To be held remotely. View directions

Contact: Matthew Attoh  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies from Members of the Sub-Committee.


Urgent Business

The Chair to announce any items of urgent business circulated separately from the main agenda.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 45 KB

Members to declare any personal and financial interests in items on the agenda. Attention is drawn to the Council’s Constitution; the Council’s Code of Conduct and associated advice.

Additional documents:


Minutes pdf icon PDF 56 KB

Members are requested to confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2024.

No motion or discussion may take place upon the Minutes except as to their accuracy, and any question on this point will be determined by a majority of the Members of the body attending who were present when the matter in question was decided. Once confirmed, with or without amendment, the person presiding will sign the Minutes


Premises Licence for Arnott Close Post Office, 6 Arnott Close, London SE28 8BG pdf icon PDF 193 KB

Application to review the existing Premises Licence

Additional documents:


In reaching its decision, the Licensing Sub-Committee (“LSC”) considered the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, the Licensing Act 2003, the Regulations made thereunder, and the Guidance issued by the Secretary of State under S.182 of that Act. In discharging its functions, the LSC did so with a view to promoting the licensing objectives of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.


Having considered all written representations, evidence, and oral submissions, the LSC resolved that the premises license be revoked.


Basis of Decision


The Premises License holder (“the license holder”), Mr Jitendra Patel, attended the hearing with Designated Premises Supervisor (“the DPS”), Mr Hiteshkumar Patel.


The license holder submitted that the sale of a nicotine vape to a minor on 20th August 2024 was a one-off mistake that had not previously happened as he takes care running the business. The license holder stated that on the day of the failed test purchase, the premises was busy, and no further mistakes had occurred since as he has implemented staff training. The License holder explained that staff had attended courses regarding Challenge 25, and he had instructed staff to ask for identification from anyone under the age of 25, not just 18. The license holder further stated that when the staff do ask for identification and refuse sales to minors, some of the minors throw bottles at the staff and harass them. As regards the refusal log, the license holder admitted that he previously could not find the paper refusals log and believed a new one was not required as there was an electronic refusals log in place.


The DPS stated that the premises had passed other test-purchases since the failed test- purchase on 20th August 2024. The DPS submitted that since the test purchase, strong robust measures had been implemented to avoid future issues including all staff receiving professional

training regarding Challenge 25. Additionally, the DPS stated that the business intended to apply for all members of staff to have personal licenses.


The License holder confirmed that he was present at the premises once or twice a week, whilst the DPS confirmed he was present twice a week.


The LSC received submissions from public health stating their support of the premises license being revoked due to the numerous breaches of the premises license conditions.


The LSC also received submissions from the l police that there had been incidents over the last year involving anti-social behaviour in the local area. Moreover, that local drug dealers intimidate staff at the shops in the area, which has resulted in drug sales occurring at the premises. Additionally, street drinking in the local area had increased, as well as gang presence, drug use, and occasional robbery. The police officer noted that this activity was linked to the area generally and may not completely be because of the failings at the premises. However, the police submitted that the premises required tighter procedures and  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.