Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6PW. View directions
Contact: Daniel Wilkinson Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies from Members of the Committee. |
Urgent Business The Chair to announce any items of urgent business circulated separately from the main agenda. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 45 KB Members to declare any personal and financial interests in items on the agenda. Attention is drawn to the Council’s Constitution; the Council’s Code of Conduct and associated advice. Additional documents: |
Members are requested to confirm
as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October
2024. |
Adoption of Equality and Equity Objectives 2024-2028 PDF 84 KB To approve the new Equality and Equity Objectives for 2024-28 (as required under the Public Sector Equality Duty) and the associated outcomes Additional documents: Decision: Approved the six new Equality Objectives for 2024-28 (as required under the Public Sector Equality Duty) and the associated actions which have been derived from a variety of consultation exercises and are contained at Appendix A of the report.
Noted the steps being taken by the Council to ensure Equalities planning, outcomes and objectives are placed at the centre of the Council’s service delivery and business planning processes.
Agreed on outcomes that can be used to monitor the Equalities and Equity Objectives, building on the previous Equality and Equity Action Plan monitoring.
Noted the proposal to conduct further work on embedding Equalities across the borough through the work of the Council and its partners and in particular the ongoing work by an officer working group to develop an Equality and Equity Action Plan that will monitor the delivery of the Objective’s pledges. |
Intermediate Housing Register Strategy PDF 117 KB To agree to establish an intermediate housing register of interest and the priority matrix for the register Additional documents: Decision: Agreed to establish an intermediate housing register of interest in Greenwich.
Agreed the priority matrix for the intermediate housing register of interest as set out in section 4.6.
Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Safer Communities to determine which occupations are part of the shortage occupations group, based on consultation with officers, residents and employers. |
Strategic Risk Register PDF 76 KB To agree the Royal Borough’s updated Strategic Risk Register and refer it to Council Additional documents: Decision: Agreed the Royal Borough’s updated Strategic Risk Register (Appendix A of the report).
Agreed to refer the Strategic Risk Register to Full Council for noting.
Noted the updated Strategic Risk Register was presented to the Audit & Risk Management Panel for review on 4th September 2024.
Gambling Act 2005 – Adoption of Revised Gambling Policy PDF 101 KB To consider and commend to Council the revised Royal Borough of Greenwich Statement of Gambling Policy
Additional documents:
Decision: Commended to Full Council the revised Royal Borough of Greenwich Statement of Gambling Policy in respect of the Gambling Act 2005. |
Asset Review Further Outcomes PDF 88 KB To approve the freehold or long leasehold disposal of the properties listed in the report, and delegate the process for disposal to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills, to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills to make the appointments needed to enable these assets to be disposed of Additional documents: Decision: Approved the freehold or long leasehold disposal of the properties listed in Section 4.9 and further detailed in Appendix 1 of the report
Agreed, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning, Estate Renewal & Development, to delegate the process for disposal to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills and note the terms of any disposal will be agreed in accordance with Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution.
Delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills to make the appointments needed to enable these assets to be disposed of effectively, efficiently and at the best price reasonably obtainable.
Noted that the Director of Regeneration Enterprise and Skills will implement the disposal process in accordance with prevailing market conditions or other circumstances.
Noted the asset review is ongoing and further reports will be prepared for Member consideration in line with the Council’s constitution. |
Sale of HRA land at Brookhill Road, SE18 PDF 74 KB To approve in principle to the disposal of the Housing Revenue Account land at Brookhill Road SE18 6TS and to agree to delegate to the Director of Regeneration Enterprise & Skills authority to agree the individual terms of the disposal. Additional documents:
Decision: Approved in principle to the disposal of the Housing Revenue Account land at Brookhill Road SE18 6TS as show in Appendix One site plan and as set out in the Exempt Appendix Two of the report for best consideration reasonably obtainable.
Agreed to delegate to the Director of Regeneration Enterprise & Skills authority to agree the individual terms of the disposal.
Noted that the receipt from this sale will be reinvested into the Housing Revenue Account capital programme.
Agreed to treat the information presented at Exempt Appendix Two of the report as exempt under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A on the basis of: “3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)”.
Agreed that the exempt information, presented at Exempt Appendix Two of the report is not subsequently released to the press or public. |
Nos. 8 and 14 Carnbrook Road, SE3: Deed of Surrender PDF 93 KB To approve the Deed of Surrender of the lease of nos. 8 and 14 Carnbrook Road and to note that the properties are held within the Housing Revenue Account Additional documents: Decision: Approved the Deed of Surrender for nil consideration, of the lease of nos. 8 and 14 Carnbrook Road, as set out in appendix one of the report.
Noted that the properties at 8 and 14 Carnbrook Road are held within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and that in September 2018 Cabinet agreed to the extension of the lease and that for reasons outlined in this report, it was not possible to complete the extension of the lease with the tenant. |