Venue: Committee Rooms 4 & 5, Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6PW. View directions
Contact: Daniel Wilkinson Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies from Members of the Committee. Minutes: Apologies for absence was received from Councillor Adel Khaireh. |
Urgent Business The Chair to announce any items of urgent business circulated separately from the main agenda. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 45 KB Members to declare any personal and financial interests in items on the agenda. Attention is drawn to the Council’s Constitution; the Council’s Code of Conduct and associated advice. Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved -
That the list of Councillors’ memberships as Council appointed representatives on outside bodies, joint committees and school governing bodies is noted.
Members are requested to confirm
as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July
2024. Minutes: Resolved –
That the Minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 24 July 2024 be agreed and signed as a true and accurate record. |
Our Greenwich Annual Plan 24/25 PDF 101 KB To agree the Annual Plan Additional documents: Decision: Agreed the Our Greenwich Annual Plan for 2024-26 Minutes: The Leader of the Council introduced the report. The Leader highlighted that the report articulated the Missions that the Council were working towards. He reminded Members of how they had arrived at their vision for the Council following conversation with residents, community groups and partners. He recalled the Our Greenwich partnership summit in July which had been helpful in thinking about how they worked with their partners to deliver the Missions. The Annual Plan set out what their challenges were, what their achievements were and what were their priorities for the year ahead.
The Deputy Leader of the Council added that the Annual Plan was a public facing document, it was transparent and it set out their direction of travel, and it enabled the public to measure what they were doing.
The Leader of the Council drew Members’ attention to the Our Greenwich website ( which allowed everyone to see their achievements and measure their success.
Resolved -
That the Our Greenwich Annual Plan for 2024-26 be agreed. |
Woolwich Estates - Maryon Road & Grove PDF 144 KB To agree to continue with the development of the Maryon Road and Maryon Grove site Decision: Agreed to continue with the development of the Maryon Road and Maryon Grove site (part of the former Woolwich Estates) pursuant to the Development Agreement in place noting the intent to vary the tenure mix as set out in para 4.17 of this report which shows 50% of the homes will be affordable across the three ‘Woolwich Estates’ schemes.
Noted that the Paragon Asra Housing Limited's Shared Ownership Units on Morris South, Maryon Road and Maryon Grove will become social rented homes and will be subject to the Council’s nomination agreement.
Noted, Currie & Brown, on the Council’s behalf, have undertaken a due diligence review of Lovell Partnerships Limited’s viability and underlying assumptions as part of the options assessment. The approach and assumptions were found to be reasonable.
Delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills to enter into a Deed of Variation (and/or such other legal documentation as may be required) to amend the Development Agreement so as to: · change the tenure mix as proposed; · reinstate an overage[1] provision for this phase; · make use of an updated financial model to ascertain viability and land value; and · undertake a viability assessment to consider the Council purchasing the private sale units, and if viable, authority to acquire these properties.
Noted the varied tenure mix proposed in this report will result in a reduction in the number of units to be received by the Council from that agreed by Cabinet in July 2022, with a corresponding decrease in the price payable of c£10m.
Noted that this will ensure timely delivery of the new Council and Registered Provider homes and facilitates the creation of mixed and balanced communities at Maryon Road and Maryon Grove.
[1] Overage is a contractual mechanism that will allow the Council to benefit from any future increase in the value from the sale of units. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Planning, Estate Renewal and Development noted that while there were changes to what had originally been proposed it would still provide 50% affordable homes.
The report was presented by the Deputy Director Regeneration & Property. He related the history of the development partnership, noting that there had been a number of Deeds of Variation over the years. As a result of the fourth Deed of Variation in 2022 the Council had been able to purchase up to 265 new homes that would have been built for private sale and it also secured the acceleration of the development overall. He explained what the new Deed of Variation entailed. He clarified the options available: if the fifth Deed of Variation was not accepted there was a risk that Lovells could terminate the development agreement, whereas the other option while a reduction in the number of units for the Council retained just over 50% affordable housing and was a pragmatic solution which meant that the overall housing supply continued.
In response to questions from Cabinet, the Deputy Director Regeneration & Property confirmed that overall there would still be more affordable housing than there would have been. He detailed the overall increase in the number of units, those which were affordable housing, and their location. The Director of Housing and Safer Communities clarified the current difference between market rent, London affordable rent and Greenwich council rent. The Deputy Director Regeneration & Property replied that the Deed of Variation was intended to lock the developer in to build the scheme.
During discussion of the matter Members noted that there were different types of affordable housing. It was felt Option 2 was better rather than seeing the whole development stop. It was felt the development would revitalise the area and the mix tenure would also help towards regeneration of the area.
Resolved -
1. That it be agreed to continue with the development of the Maryon Road and Maryon Grove site (part of the former Woolwich Estates) pursuant to the Development Agreement in place noting the intent to vary the tenure mix as set out in para 4.17 of this report which shows 50% of the homes will be affordable across the three ‘Woolwich Estates’ schemes.
2. That the Paragon Asra Housing Limited's Shared Ownership Units on Morris South, Maryon Road and Maryon Grove will become social rented homes and will be subject to the Council’s nomination agreement be noted.
3. That Currie & Brown, on the Council’s behalf, have undertaken a due diligence review of Lovell Partnerships Limited’s viability and underlying assumptions as part of the options assessment, and that the approach and assumptions were found to be reasonable, be noted.
4. That authority be delegated to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills to enter into a Deed of Variation (and/or such other legal documentation as may be required) to amend the Development Agreement so as to: · change the tenure mix as proposed; · reinstate an overage[1] provision for this phase; · make use ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
To agree the Scheme and Estimate for the development of a new all-through SEND School for secondary and post 16 students with special education needs at Hargood Road
Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed the Scheme and Estimate for the development of a new all-through SEND School for secondary and post 16 students with special education needs at Hargood Road as set out in Appendix A to the report.
Noted, Cabinet approved funding for SEND provision in the Children Services School Placing and Capital Programme on 15 Nov 2023 earmarking a budget allocation for the construction of a new SEND school at Hargood Road.
Approved the budget allocation in line with the Scheme and Estimate by utilising DfE funding for Additional High Needs Grant announced in March 2024.
Noted, that in October 2023 the Leader of Council, approved a Contract Award to appoint Galliford Try Construction Limited for PCSA RIBA Stage 2-4; for the sum of £1,533,105 following a competitive tender via the Southern Construction Framework (SCF).
Noted, that enabling and early works will be required during 2024/25 to facilitate the required opening date.
Noted that enabling works are already underway and have identified large scale ground contamination. The ground contamination risk is captured in section 10 of this report. Given the scale of contamination it is likely that the scheme costs will increase, however the precise scale is unknown at the time of writing this report. If this results in costs exceeding the scheme and estimate budget presented in Appendix A, budget will be drawn from the overall school’s capital programme and this will be ratified in a future report.
Authorised the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise, and Skills in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services to vary the scheme details in accordance with the priority projects set out in paragraphs 4.81 – 4.90 of the School Place Planning and Capital Programme 2022/23 - 2024/25 (as approved by Cabinet on 2nd November 2022) along with paragraphs 4.69 – 4.71 and paragraphs 4.81 – 4.83 of the School Place Planning and Capital Programme 2023/24 - 2025/26 26 (as approved by Cabinet on 15th November 2023).
Noted that the authority to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills at paragraph 1.6 above to vary the scheme details does not include an authority to vary the scheme budget as approved under the Cabinet’s decision dated 15th November 2023. Minutes: The report was presented by the Assistant Director Capital Projects and Property Maintenance. He highlighted that the scheme had been through the planning application process. He drew Members’ attention to the cost increases in the report and he added there was still some risk that the cost might change but some contingency had been built into to cater for some fluctuation.
In response to questions from Cabinet, the Assistant Director Capital Projects and Property Maintenance indicated they were confident that the timetable could be met as the scheme was being delivered through off-site construction so it would be a rapid construction phase, and they were also working closing with the school to put in place a contingency plan so there was some capability to go beyond the timetabled date. There was some capacity to deal with cost fluctuations and they expected to deliver within the budget.
The Chair requested that Officers keep the Cabinet Member updated on any changes.
During discussion of the matter Members noted the need for SEND places.
Resolved -
1. That the Scheme and Estimate for the development of a new all-through SEND School for secondary and post 16 students with special education needs at Hargood Road as set out in Appendix A to the report be agreed.
2. That Cabinet approved funding for SEND provision in the Children Services School Placing and Capital Programme on 15 Nov 2023 earmarking a budget allocation for the construction of a new SEND school at Hargood Road be noted.
3. That the budget allocation in line with the Scheme and Estimate by utilising DfE funding for Additional High Needs Grant announced in March 2024 be approved.
4. That in October 2023 the Leader of Council, approved a Contract Award to appoint Galliford Try Construction Limited for PCSA RIBA Stage 2-4; for the sum of £1,533,105 following a competitive tender via the Southern Construction Framework (SCF) be noted
5. That enabling and early works will be required during 2024/25 to facilitate the required opening date be noted.
6. That it be noted that enabling works are already underway and have identified large scale ground contamination. The ground contamination risk is captured in section 10 of this report. Given the scale of contamination it is likely that the scheme costs will increase, however the precise scale is unknown at the time of writing this report. If this results in costs exceeding the scheme and estimate budget presented in Appendix A, budget will be drawn from the overall school’s capital programme and this will be ratified in a future report.
7. That the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise, and Skills in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services be authorised to vary the scheme details in accordance with the priority projects set out in paragraphs 4.81 – 4.90 of the School Place Planning and Capital Programme 2022/23 - 2024/25 (as approved by Cabinet on 2nd November 2022) along with paragraphs 4.69 – 4.71 and paragraphs 4.81 – 4.83 of the School Place Planning ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
To agree to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement and Developers’ Engagement Charter Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Developers’ Engagement Charter (DEC) Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Planning, Estate Renewal and Development gave an overview of what the Statement of Community Involvement and Developers’ Engagement Charter involved. He emphasised their importance was in ensuring best practice of early engagement with developers, residents, businesses, and community groups.
The report was presented by the Planning Policy Manager. He indicated that the documents were prepared in accordance with the Council's community engagement framework and he commented on the public consultation that the documents had undergone.
In response to questions from Cabinet, the Planning Policy Manager stated that the documents would give a clear direction to developers in terms of what was expected of them in terms of meaningful early engagement. There would be a requirement for all major developers to provide a statement setting out how they had engaged with local people and how that feedback had been taken on board in development of the scheme before it was submitted; that would then be noted in the reports that went to the Planning committees.
The Leader of the Council commented that community engagement was key. The Leader thanked the Cabinet Member and Officers for their work on the Charter.
Resolved -
That it be agreed to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and Developers’ Engagement Charter (DEC) |
Approval of Lease for Royal Hill, SE10 PDF 65 KB To agree to enter into a Lease to enable the long term occupation of the flats and shared house atRoyal Hill, SE10 which will be managed by Golden Lane Housing Additional documents:
Decision: Agreed to enter into a Lease to enable the long term occupation of the flats and shared house at Royal Hill, SE10 (the “Property”) which will be managed by Golden Lane Housing (GLH);
Noted the full Lease terms are a leasehold disposal at best consideration reasonably obtainable;
Noted a separate delegated authority decision has been taken by the Adult Social Care director in order to approve the management agreement for the Property which will be occupied by Greenwich residents with learning disabilities;
Agreed that the information contained in Appendix 1 to this report be exempt from publication on the grounds that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding that information) under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and to agree that this exempt information contained in the confidential Appendices shall not be released to the press or public.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council welcomed the opening of the facilities at Royal Hill which supported adults with learning disabilities.
Resolved -
1. That it be agreed to enter into a Lease to enable the long term occupation of the flats and shared house at Royal Hill, SE10 (the “Property”) which will be managed by Golden Lane Housing (GLH);
2. That the full Lease terms are a leasehold disposal at best consideration reasonably obtainablebe noted;
3. That a separate delegated authority decision has been taken by the Adult Social Care director in order to approve the management agreement for the Property which will be occupied by Greenwich residents with learning disabilitiesbe noted;
4. That it be agreed that the information contained in Appendix 1 to this report be exempt from publication on the grounds that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person (including the authority holding that information) under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and to agree that this exempt information contained in the confidential Appendices shall not be released to the press or public.
Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2023-24 PDF 69 KB To note the Annual Safeguarding Adults Board Report Additional documents: Decision: Noted the 2023/24 Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report Minutes: The Independent Chair of the Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board, Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, presented their Annual Report to Cabinet. He commended the contributions from their statutory partners including the Adult Social Care Director and the Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and Borough of Sanctuary. He commented on the strategic partnership across the council which produced a whole system response to adult safeguarding. He drew Members’ attention to the safeguarding adult reviews, and noted that there had been an increase in the referrals which might be because they had been successful in raising awareness about adult safeguarding amongst their communities. He raised a concern of the Board was how they were supporting people living in the community with severe and enduring forms of mental ill health; he said they needed to monitor the outcome of the implementation of ‘Right Care, Right Person’ by the Metropolitan Police. He indicated that one of the themes of the Board’s safeguarding adult reviews was mental health for which they would continue to seek assurance. The second theme was self-neglect and he noted the Council had funded a project on self-neglect and hoarding but said they needed to encourage the Integrated Care Board and Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust to contribute to enable the project to continue as it had already demonstrated its effectiveness as shown in the Annual Report.
The Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and Borough of Sanctuary thanked Professor Michael Preston-Shoot for his work with the Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board. She noted the importance of the Board in bringing directorates together and holding cross cutting discussions.
The Chair on behalf of Cabinet thanked the Independent Chair of the Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board for their report.
Resolved –
That the 2023/24 Royal Greenwich Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Reportbe noted |
2024/25 Q1 Budget Monitor PDF 149 KB To note the Council’s revenue position as at the end of Quarter 1 2024/25 Additional documents: Decision: Noted the Council’s revenue position as at the end of Quarter 1 2024/25 (30 June 2024). Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Social Value commented on the situation of the cost of individual placements putting local authorities nationwide at risk and how that could affect the Royal Borough of Greenwich. She emphasised how important it was for all Cabinet Members and Directors to achieve savings.
The Leader of the Council thanked Officers, adding that the savings were fundamental to safeguarding the future of the Council so that it could continue to deliver services for their residents
Resolved -
That the Council’s revenue position as at the end of Quarter 1 2024/25 (30 June 2024) be noted |