Agenda, decisions and minutes

General Purposes Committee - Wednesday, 30th October, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6PW. View directions

Contact: Daniel Wilkinson  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies from Members of the Committee.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Matt Hartley.


Urgent Business

The Chair to announce any items of urgent business circulated separately from the main agenda.


There were no items of urgent business.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Members to declare any personal and financial interests in items on the agenda. Attention is drawn to the Council’s Constitution; the Council’s Code of Conduct and associated advice.

Additional documents:


Resolved -


That the list of Councillors’ memberships as Council appointed representatives on outside bodies, joint committees and school governing bodies is noted.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Members are requested to confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2024.

No motion or discussion may take place upon the Minutes except as to their accuracy, and any question on this point will be determined by a majority of the Members of the body attending who were present when the matter in question was decided. Once confirmed, with or without amendment, the person presiding will sign the Minutes


Resolved –


That the Minutes of the meeting of the General Purposes Committee held on 24 July 2024 be agreed and signed as a true and accurate record.


Appointment to Member-Level Bodies for 2024-25 following by-election pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To appoint Members to various committees

Additional documents:


Appointed Councillor Charlie Davis to the Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


Appointed Councillor Charlie Davis to the Inclusive Economy and Culture Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Roger Tester.


Appointed Councillor Matt Hartley to the Organisation and Communities Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Pat Greenwell


Appointed Councillor Charlie Davis to the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


Appointed Councillor Matt Hartley as a Deputy to the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Pat Greenwell


Appointed Councillor Charlie Davis to the Margaret McMillan Field Study Centre Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


Appointed Councillor John Fahy as Chair of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel


Resolved -


1.            That Councillor Charlie Davis be appointed to the Transport and Place Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


2.            That Councillor Charlie Davis be appointed to the Inclusive Economy and Culture Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Roger Tester.


3.            That Councillor Matt Hartley be appointed to the Organisation and Communities Scrutiny Panel in place of Councillor Pat Greenwell


4.            That Councillor Charlie Davis be appointed to the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


5.            That Councillor Matt Hartley be appointed as a Deputy to the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Pat Greenwell


6.            That Councillor Charlie Davis be appointed to the Margaret McMillan Field Study Centre Sub-Committee in place of Councillor Matt Hartley


7.            That Councillor John Fahy be appointed as Chair of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel


Appointment to Vacancies Outside Bodies for 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To appoint to a vacancy on an Outside Body


Appointed Councillor Sarah-Jane Merrill to the Woodlands Farm Trust.


Resolved –


That Councillor Sarah-Jane Merrill be appointed to the Woodlands Farm Trust.


Establishment of Appointments Panel Chief Officer Recruitment DLDS pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To agree to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement: Director of Legal and Democratic Services

Additional documents:


Agreed to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Director of Legal and Democratic Services, Chief Officer grade A (salary range £148,823- £160,576)


Noted that the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post.


The report was presented by the Assistant Chief Executive (Change and Development).


In response to a question from the Committee the Assistant Chief Executive (Change and Development) replied that if the post remained as it was there would be no additional cost or reduction of cost.


Resolved - 


1.            That the salary range be agreed of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Director of Legal and Democratic Services, Chief Officer grade A (salary range £148,823- £160,576)


2.            That the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post be noted.


Establishment of Appointments Panel Chief Officer Recruitment DHAS pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To agree to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:  Director of Health & Adult Services

Additional documents:


Agreed to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Director of Health & Adult Services, Chief Officer grade A1 (salary range £172,308 - £184,052)


Noted that the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post.



The report was presented by the Assistant Chief Executive (Change and Development). He added that the Job Description had been reviewed and updated because it had been a number of years since the last time such an appointment was made.


Resolved –


1.            That the salary range be agreed of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Director of Health & Adult Services, Chief Officer grade A1 (salary range £172,308 - £184,052)


2.            That the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post be noted.



Establishment of Appointments Panel Chief Officer Recruitment AD Social Care Operations pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To agree to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement: Assistant Director, Social Care Operations (Health & Adults Services)

Additional documents:


Agreed to the salary range of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Assistant Director, Social Care Operations (Health & Adults Services), Chief Officer grade D (salary range £93,070 - £103,851)


Noted that the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post.



The report was presented by the Assistant Chief Executive (Change and Development).


In response to questions from the Committee, the Assistant Chief Executive (Change and Development) confirmed it was for a new post, managing service managers of frontline teams.


Resolved -


1.            That the salary range be agreed of the following Chief Officer post, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:


·         Assistant Director, Social Care Operations (Health & Adults Services), Chief Officer grade D (salary range £93,070 - £103,851)


2.       That the Chief Executive has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post be noted.



Adoption of new Data and Digital Policy Suite pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To agree to adopt a number of data and digital policies.

Additional documents:


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Acceptable Use Policy.


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Cyber Security Policy.


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Data Sharing Policy.


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Data Deletion and Retention Policy.


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Mobile Device Policy.


Agreed the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy.


The report was presented by the Assistant Director for Digital and Customer Services. The Assistant Director explained some were new policies and some refreshes of existing policies. She confirmed that there had been consultation with trade unions where appropriate.


In response to questions from the Committee about the Bring Your Own Device Policy the Assistant Director for Digital and Customer Services replied that there were no objections from trade unions to the Policy, and that the Policy was optional not obligatory.  The Policy could have potential savings, and it would help make things safer both for the users and for the organisation. The Policy referred to personal phones only.


Resolved -


1.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Acceptable Use Policy be agreed.


2.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Cyber Security Policy be agreed.


3.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Data Sharing Policy be agreed.


4.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Data Deletion and Retention Policy be agreed.


5.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Mobile Device Policy be agreed.


6.            That the adoption of the new Royal Borough of Greenwich Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy.


Proposed departure from the Market Supplement Allowance Policy for Digital, Data and Technology posts pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To agree to continue the existing policy regarding the using of market supplement policy to continue to recruit and retain specialist Digital and Technology posts within the digital team

Additional documents:


Agreed to continue for the foreseeable future the existing policy regarding the using of market supplement policy, as described in the report, to continue to recruit and retain specialist Digital and Technology posts within the digital team.


The report was presented by the Assistant Director for Digital and Customer Services


In response to questions from the Committee, the Assistant Director for Digital and Customer Services said not being in their position with regard to the Market Supplement Allowance Policy would depend on a nationally negotiated decision; the Civil Service had received such a change but local authorities had not. The Assistant Director informed the Committee that the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s position on digital salaries was benchmarked by the rest of the country; the London Office of Technology and Innovation were publishing Greenwich’s salaries for other authorities to use. As such Officers were very confident that the right balance had been achieved between economic efficiency for the Council and a realistic entry into the digital job market.


Resolved -


That it be agreed to continue for the foreseeable future the existing policy regarding the using of market supplement policy, as described in the report, to continue to recruit and retain specialist Digital and Technology posts within the digital team.