Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Planning, Estate Renewal and Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree scheme costs, scope and procurement approach.
1. Agreed the S&E to carry out concrete works along with flat roof replacements & lift replacement to Calderwood Street Car Park, at an estimated cost of £8m.
2. Noted that a building contract for the scheme has not yet been tendered and the detailed design work is to be finalised. Whilst there is a risk allowance built into the budget to cater for this, due to the stage the project is at it is difficult to accurately predict the project costs.
3. Noted that the head lessee of the top 3 floors of the car park, Vista Building Ltd, may choose to pass on their proportion of the car park remediation costs, to those flat owners of the adjoining residential apartment block, who sublease car parking spaces from them.
4. Noted that residents who lease car parking spaces from Vista Building Ltd will be served with s20 notices, that will include information about the planned works and the estimated cost. It will also explain that they have a legal right to take part in the consultation process and to comment on what is being planned.
5. Noted that contained within the exempt appendix are the estimated project costs.
Publication date: 02/12/2024
Date of decision: 02/12/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
Accompanying Documents: