Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Housing, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
1. Noted that following a successful bid prepared by DG Cities with BME Volunteers, the Council has been awarded £18,000.00 grant funding under the Mayor of London’s Breaking Ground programme, and potentially a further £4,500 legacy funding.
2. Noted that the proposal, in line with the requirements of the Breaking Ground programme, is to work with local communities to develop ideas for a pilot project(s) on the Glyndon Estate, which address the issue of climate injustice among Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.
3. Noted the intention to accept the grant funding and participate in the programme as summarised in Section 4, and to provide an additional match-funding contribution of £6,000.
4. Agreed to award the sum of up to £14,750.00 to BME Volunteers CIC (Company Registration Number 12229933) (‘BME Volunteers’) to develop and deliver the programme. The grant to BME Volunteers will be subject to a Service Level Agreement setting out arrangements for payment of the grant, monitoring review and reporting.
5. Noted the intention to commission DG Cities Ltd (Company Registration Number 09765525 ) to assist in the delivery of the programme, and to facilitate knowledge exchange and project evaluation, through a contract award of up to £9,250.
Publication date: 24/01/2023
Date of decision: 24/01/2023
Effective from: 31/01/2023
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