Decision details

Acquisition under lease of care homes owned by NHS Property Services

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To secure the future use of the properties as accommodation for people with learning disabilities


Approved the freehold acquisition of five NHS-owned properties listed below that host care and support services for people with learning disabilities, on the terms set out in exempt Appendix C.


·        1 Samuel Close London SE18 5LR

·        2 Samuel Close London SE18 5LR

·        3 Samuel Close London SE18 5LR

·        1A Erindale Terrace, London SE18 2QQ

·        Arnold House, 154 Shooter Hill Road, London SE3 8RP


Delegated to the Director of Place and Growth the process for acquiring the properties.


Delegated to the Director of Health and Adult Services the process for procuring and appointing a service provider and the terms of that contract upon completion of the acquisition, to ensure stability for residents.


Noted that Health and Adult Services intend to explore opportunities in the future to deregister one or more of these properties, should this option be appropriate.


Agreed to treat the information contained in the Exempt Appendices A – H to this report as exempt information in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the authority holding that information). To agree that this exempt information contained in the Exempt Appendices A-H shall not be released to the press or public.

Report author: Steve Dunevein

Publication date: 29/01/2025

Date of decision: 29/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 29/01/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 05/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: