Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Equality, Culture and Communities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To agree to pass on grant funding secured from Sport England to GLL for refurbishment works at Thamesmere leisure Centre for the installation of Combined Heat and Power system (CHP) and replacement of the over twenty-year-old gas boilers with new boiler system.
1. Agreed to pass on grant funding secured from Sport England to GLL for refurbishment works at Thamesmere leisure Centre with a value of £383,622 for the installation of Combined Heat and Power system (CHP) and replacement of the over twenty-year-old gas boilers with new boiler system.
2. Agreed the works will be procured and managed by Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL), the operator of the facility under the terms of the Leisure and Libraries management contract and lease.
3. Noted, that funding in the sum of £500,000 has been secured from Sport England by way of a capital grant agreement dated 20 May 2024, through the Swimming Pool Support Fund, which covers the full cost of the recommended works.
4. Noted the Council will enter into an agreement with the GLL to ensure the works are undertaken in in accordance with the Sport England grant funding agreement.
Publication date: 29/10/2024
Date of decision: 28/10/2024
Effective from: 05/11/2024
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