Decision details

Scheme & Estimate Report for the development of; Transitional Learning Centre (TLC) at; 77 Bexley Road, Eltham, London SE9 2PE

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Planning, Estate Renewal and Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To agree scheme costs, scope and procurement approach


1.    Agreed the Scheme and Estimate for the development of Transitional Learning Centre (TLC) for SEND users up to the age of 25 years, at 77 Bexley Road, Eltham, London, SE9 2PE with the estimated cost of £15m.


2.    Noted that Cabinet approved funding for SEND Provision in the Children Services School Placing and Capital Programme 2022-2023 and 2024-2025 in November 2022 earmarking a budget envelope of £15m funding for the SEND Transitional Learning Centre at Bexley Road.


3.    Noted that the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills, approved a Contract Award [CON1447] to appoint Frankham Consultancy Group, Multi-Disciplinary Professional Services, for a RIBA Stage 3-7, following a competitive tender process.


4.    Noted that the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills, approved a Contract Award [CON1501] to appoint Galliford Try Building Limited for Pre-Construction Services at the end of RIBA Stage 3 to allow for Design Development and agree a Contract Sum at the end of RIBA Stage 4.


5.    Noted that pre-application advice was undertaken with Royal Borough of Greenwich Planning department, with the scheme receiving positive feedback as a result of the proposed design aspirations.


6.    Authorised the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills in consultation with the Director of Children’s Services to vary the scheme details in accordance with the priority projects set out in paragraphs 4.81 – 4.90 of the School Place Planning and Capital Programme 2022/23 - 2024/25 (as approved by Cabinet on 2nd November 2022) along with paragraphs 4.75 and 4.81 – 4.83 of the School Place Planning and Capital Programme 2023/24 - 2025/26 (as approved by Cabinet on 15th November 2023).


7.    Noted that the authority to the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Skills at paragraph 6 above to vary the scheme details does not include an authority to vary the scheme budget as approved under the Cabinet’s decision dated 15th November 2023.

Publication date: 23/08/2024

Date of decision: 23/08/2024

Effective from: 31/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: