Decision details

West & East Greenwich Neighbourhood Management Project - Trial Scheme (re-consideration in light of Overview & Scrutiny Call-In Sub-Committee recommendations made on 31st July 2024)

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Climate Change, Environment and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Report on the experimental TMO for proposals within the West and East Greenwich areas


1.       Noted and considered the request by the Overview and Scrutiny Call-In Sub-Committee that the decision maker re-considers the decision made on 29th February 2024, taking into account the four comments it made to them;


2.       Considered the responses to those comments and the recommendations made in this report; and


3.       Agreed to incorporate the recommendations set out in this report (as referred to in 5.2 of the report) as well as noting and taking into account all other relevant developments arising since the decision made on 29th February 2024, including but not limited to the draft Government guidance published in draft in March 2024 (as considered within section 5 of the Call-in report appended at Appendix B) as part of that decision.


Publication date: 20/08/2024

Date of decision: 20/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: