Decision details

Report on the Morris Walk North Management Company

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To formalise the Management Company (ManCo) structure for the Morris Walk North redevelopment, including the Energy Services Company (ESCo), and associated freehold transfer.


Agreed to the transfer of the Morris Walk North Management Company (ManCo), currently owned by Lovell Director Limited (Lovells), to RBG and Paragon Asra (PA) Housing, in order to provide estate management services to the communal area of Morris Walk North and energy management services.


Agreed that the ManCo will be jointly owned by RBG and PA Housing, with a share ownership structure of 50/50, and that the Articles of Association for the ManCo will be amended accordingly.


Agreed that PA Housing and RBG may agree a Management/  Shareholder Agreement with deadlock clauses for the ManCo in order to protect the interests of both parties’ residents .


Noted the responsibilities of the ManCo listed in 4.2.3 below, and agree that, once appointed, the Directors of the ManCo will procure estate services to deliver best value for RBG and PA Housing residents.


Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Safer Communities to agree to the changes to the Articles of Association and to the creation of the Management/Shareholder Agreement through a Decision Report.


Delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Safer Communities to nominate the RBG Director of the ManCo.

Report author: Claire Harding

Publication date: 15/05/2024

Date of decision: 15/05/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/05/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 22/05/2024

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