Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies from Members of the Committee.
Urgent business
The Chair to announce any items of urgent business circulated separately from the main agenda.
Members to declare any personal and financial interests in items on the agenda. Attention is drawn to the Council's Constitution, the Council's Code of Conduct, and associated advice.
Members are requested to confirm as an accurate record the Minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2022.
No motion or discussion may take place upon the Minutes except as to their accuracy, and any question on this point will be determined by a majority of the Members of the body attending who were present when the matter in question was decided. Once confirmed, with or without amendment, the person presiding will sign the Minutes.
To receive updates from organisations that provide support and advice to vulnerable groups.
To receive a verbal update on the Council's approach to the Cost of Living Crisis.
To note the Cabinet Member for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Homelessness' portfolio priorities for 2022/23.
To note the information regarding contracts awarded over the last six months by the Housing Directorate and its supporting information.
To note the work items that are scheduled to be presented to the meeting of the Housing and Anti-Poverty Scrutiny Panel taking place on 2nd March 2023.